United States

Regional Airports


TearWearDesigns - KEZMv2 1.0.0

Hello everyone! First off... HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know it has been ages since I last done anything. Life has really been getting in the way and I haven't really been focusing to much on the freeware side of things. Anyways, nonsense aside, I am...


Hello everyone! First off... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I know it has been ages since I last done anything. Life has really been getting in the way and I haven't really been focusing to much on the freeware side of things.

Anyways, nonsense aside, I am proud to bring you V2 of our KEZM scenery. This new version includes MANY new features. Such as, new taxiway lines, new taxiway markings, better taxi sign placing, better detail in surrounding area, added animals, added ortho, added betters cars, gave a little "easter egg" somewhere.. see if you can find it... 

Anyways, so, this airport was definitely one of my most favorites to make. It is such a simplisitic airport to make and such a easy airport to look at. The airport is so easy to get around and it's actually a college! 

This airport is home to "Middle Georgia State University" that offers all of your license you need, such as private, instrument rating, commercial, CFI, CF-II, tailwheel, aerobatics, upset recovery, multi-engine, MEI and they even offer helis! This scenery was something that I just kinda messed with on the side and didn't really wanna take to much time on it, but I spent more time on it than what I was hoping! 


Anyways, thank you everyone for all the love and support and I can't wait to see you guys in the next one. 
Discord: https://discord.gg/mcNfYQD9

Required Libraries: 




Let me know if there is more! Please. Thank you. 



1. Open the file 

2. Click "TearWearDesigns - KEZM" 

3. Find the same one again

4. Drag that folder to the "custom scenery" folder in your main X-Plane directory 

5. Load sim and enjoy 


Feel free to contact me for questions and inquiries. 

[email protected]

Pierwsze Wydanie
January 01, 2023
Ostatnio aktualizowane
1 year(s) ago — 1.0



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208.96 MB



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© TearWearDesigns - All rights reserved. Wszelkie dalsze udostępnianie lub redystrybucja tego pliku bez uprzedniej pisemnej zgody autora są zabronione. Ten dodatek do Flight Simulator 2020 został stworzony przez TearWearDesigns and shared in Scenery Enhancements » Regional Airports dla X-Plane 12.

3 Komentarze

Please list all the libraries required next time! It needed OpenSceneryX AND HandyObjects library! The scenery does not load anything even with the libraries required!

Te pozycje są obecnie na liście i będą przetwarzane wkrótce!
Sugestie, błędy i pomysły na przyszłość.

  • Wydany January 01, 2023

    Właśnie pojawiło się pierwsze wydanie tego pliku. Witamy na pokładzie!

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